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Blog: Researching Your Building Project...

We understand that embarking on a building project can be a daunting prospect and potentially one of the most significant financial commitments of a lifetime.


At JBA we are here to help you get to grips with your options and ensure you feel comfortable with the process, before jumping into the deep end.


We offer a series of client research tools and pre-engagement services which are designed specifically to help you put things into perspective and add clarity to the path forward.

Initial Client Consultation Sessions

This is the first step on the road to successful completion of your project. We discuss your ideas, your concerns, your budget, your lifestyle goals and your block.


This is an entirely no obligation service, we aim to establish an understanding of your overall project requirements and provide you with a professional perspective on your options. 


 " We place great value on quality, healthy communication from the earliest stages of your project"

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From here we can begin to align our expectations and establish a mutual understanding of your lifestyle aspirations, set realistic project goals and hypothesis design outcomes. â€‹

No two projects are ever the same and as such, we strive to get to know each other and tailor our services to suit your needs.


In this article we outline our typical pre-design service options which provide a variety of routes enabling you to make the best decisions for yourself and your family.

Brief, Budget and Expectation Alignment

Our role is to protect your interests and get you the best design outcome and build quality for your budget so its critical that we align our understanding from the start

Feasibility Study & Scenario Evaluation

This service offers particular value to clients whom are considering multiple optionsPerhaps you are weighing up a new-build vs renovation, exploring subdivision scenarios or wanting to understand your blocks capacity for duplex and/or multi-unit development?


We help to put those ideas on paper and refine a specific brief to give you additional clarity on viable arrangement scenarios, budgeting or the maximum development capacity of the block.

This process is also a very useful tool to assist all parties in developing mutual understanding and ensuring clarity, prior committing to the process.

Architect Home Visit

Our on site creative ideas and brainstorming sessions are a really valuable tool for clients, particularly those considering renovation, interiors or extension projects. 


We attend your home and perform a visual assessment of your property. We discuss your ideas in a one on one session, consider your options, propose scenarios that you may not have considered and weigh up the pros and cons. 

Following our visit we will report back you with an overview of your options for assessment, include some simple sketch scenarios and give you clarity on potential next steps.

We use this time to give you clarity but also get to know each other and ensure we are on the same page.

For more information on any of the services outlined in this article, please don't hesitate to get in touch on 0391141905, 7 days a week. 

Here we start to get to know each other and aim to put in place the foundations of a healthy, mutually rewarding and collaborative working relationship. 

We will work with you to establish a structured and detailed design brief, discuss realistic budgeting and present appropriate fixed and transparent design fees in relation to your brief.

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